Helene Demirci
Higher Colleges of Technology / MENA ERF
No profileSessions
Student-made reading materials Leading into Extensive Reading through Storytelling more
Sun, Aug 15, 17:00-17:45 Asia/Tokyo
The presentation aims to recount how reluctant readers in a UAE higher education institution were lead into extensive reading (ER) through an online storytelling activity where students read graded readers aloud whilst recording themselves in a Zoom meeting. This was then shared on a Microsoft Stream channel for viewing outside the classroom. The project was devised to foster language and social entrepreneurial skills as well as motivating students to read extensively.

How to . . . Get to Know MENA ERF (Middle East and North Africa) more
Sun, Aug 15, 13:05-13:50 Asia/Tokyo
During this session, representatives from the MENA ERF will provide an overview of their activities and the extent to which others are welcomed to become involved.

ERF Affiliates Report more
Sun, Aug 15, 12:00-12:50 Asia/Tokyo
This is an open session for ERF Affiliate members, those considering starting and ERF Affiliate, and the general public. In this session, the ERF Affiliate liaison will then present the ERFs vision for the future. Then, one member from each ERF affiliate is expected to present a 3-5 minute report on their activities since the last meeting and will mention any upcoming events. Affiliate representatives will be given time to discuss together about how to cooperate in the future, and to ask questions. It is hoped that the Chairs of each affiliate would then give some advice to those who are hoping to form an Affiliate.