Pratiwi Retnaningdyah
Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia
I teach English Literature at the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia. My interests are cultural studies, literacy as social practice, and the use of literature in EFL.Sessions
Learner autonomy Developing Reader Identity Through Xreading: A Case Study of EFL University Students’ Perceptions more
Sat, Aug 14, 09:00-09:20 Asia/Tokyo
This presentation addresses how Indonesian university students perceived themselves developing their reader identity through xreading and its follow-up activities. The presentation uses the perspective of literacy as social practice. Preliminary data from survey indicates that students' constructions of reading and being a reader have evolved throughout the online extensive reading.

Learner autonomy The Impact of Online Extracurricular Extensive Reading Activities on Indonesian University Students’ Reading Habits and Attitudes more
Sun, Aug 15, 09:30-09:50 Asia/Tokyo
Through a RELO U.S. Embassy Jakarta program, Rachel S. Wang conducted extracurricular synchronous online extensive reading activities with Indonesian university students. She read books aloud, designed creative tasks, and had students create their own picture books. Survey data shows students’ reading habits and attitudes improved after completing these online activities.