Jesse Elam

Meiji Gakuin University


Jesse R. Elam is a Associate Professor at Meiji Gakuin University in Yokohama, Japan. He has lived in Japan and taught in higher education for the past 15 years. His recent research interests are primarily concerned with intercultural competence and sensitivity. However, he has spent the majority of his career researching technology enhanced education and task-based learning in the Japanese EFL setting.


Internet & E-media Japanese University Students’ Attitudes Towards Extensive Reading in the Digital Age more

Fri, Aug 13, 19:00-19:20 Asia/Tokyo

With the ubiquitous use of digital devices, it would seem that a technological solution to ER may be just as beneficial as a paper-based approach. Hence, this mixed-methods research project looks at how first-year Japanese EFL university students experienced a yearlong, technologically-assisted extensive reading curriculum in terms of their reading attitudes.

Jesse Elam Dax Thomas Dawn Grimes-MacLellan Valerie Zia Galichet-Honda