Michael McCollister
Feng Chia University
I am recently retired from Feng Chia University and helped to set up and direct our ER program in 2006. TEERA was founded in 2017, and though our size remains small our commitment to promoting extensive reading remains mighty.Sessions
How to . . . Get to know TEERA (Taiwan English Extensive Reading Association) more
Sun, Aug 15, 13:05-13:50 Asia/Tokyo
An informal discussion about how to implement and assess an ER program.

ERF Affiliates Report more
Sun, Aug 15, 12:00-12:50 Asia/Tokyo
This is an open session for ERF Affiliate members, those considering starting and ERF Affiliate, and the general public. In this session, the ERF Affiliate liaison will then present the ERFs vision for the future. Then, one member from each ERF affiliate is expected to present a 3-5 minute report on their activities since the last meeting and will mention any upcoming events. Affiliate representatives will be given time to discuss together about how to cooperate in the future, and to ask questions. It is hoped that the Chairs of each affiliate would then give some advice to those who are hoping to form an Affiliate.

How to . . . Get to know your local ER Association more
Sun, Aug 15, 13:00-13:50 Asia/Tokyo
This session will be an open platform for attendees to learn about their local ER associations, in many regions of the world. Come and join them to learn more about the ER community in your area. Each association will have their own breakout room. These include PERC China (Publink Extensive Reading Club), MERA (the Mongolian Extensive Reading Association), IERA (the Indonesian Extensive Reading Association), JALT-ERSig (the Extensive Reading Special Interest group of JALT), TEERA (the Taiwan English Extensive Reading Association); MENA (the Middle-east and North African Extensive Reading Association), KEERA (the Korean Extensive Reading Association); JERA (the Japan Extensive Reading Association); and the forming groups in Thailand, Vietnam, Ethiopia, the UK. There will also be a breakout room for people interested in starting their own ER Association. Some ERF board members will be there to advise.