Paul Goldberg



Paul Goldberg has taught English as a foreign language in Venezuela, Spain, Korea, the US, and most recently at Kwansei Gakuin University, in Japan. His main areas of interest are extensive reading and extensive listening. Paul is the founder of Xreading, which he developed because of his desire to make graded readers more accessible for students, and extensive reading programs easier for teachers to manage. Email:


Book management issues Xreading: What’s New and What’s Next more

Sun, Aug 15, 10:30-11:15 Asia/Tokyo

Xreading is an online library that gives students access to thousands of graded readers and allows instructors to track their students’ reading progress. In this presentation, the founder of Xreading will explain the new features and improvements, and review what is planned for the future.

Paul Goldberg

Rating scales & progress measurement Academic Dishonesty on Xreading: A Cautionary Tale more

Sat, Aug 14, 10:15-11:00 Asia/Tokyo

Xreading is very useful for assessing students’ progress, but as with any digital technology, teachers need to be aware of unscrupulous students who may try to cheat. The presenters will provide useful tips to minimize cheating, detect cheaters, and effective strategies to deal with students who have been caught cheating.

Paul Goldberg Thom Rawson

ERF Board meeting more

In this session the ERF Board will meet to discuss matters related to the running of the Extensive Reading Foundation. Affiliate Chairs are expected to attend and the session is open to the public.

Rob Waring Tom Robb Cory Koby Paul Goldberg Fenty Lidya Siregar Irene Li