
ERF Board meeting

Time not set Day 5

In this session the ERF Board will meet to discuss matters related to the running of the Extensive Reading Foundation. Affiliate Chairs are expected to attend and the session is open to the public.

  • Rob Waring

    Dr. Rob Waring, is Professor at Notre Dame Seishin University in Okayama. He has published over 80 articles and has given hundreds of lectures, plenaries and featured speaker presentations in 32 countries. He is an Executive Board member of the Extensive Reading Foundation. He is also author and series editor of a six series of graded readers and has recently published Teaching Extensive Reading in Another Language with Paul Nation.

  • Tom Robb

    Thomas Robb, Ph.D., University of Hawaii, is Professor Emeritus, Kyoto Sangyo University. He is a long-time user of CALL and the Internet, and has created a number of websites and applications for Extensive Reading, student projects, interactive learning and professional exchange. He has held numerous leadership positions in International TESOL, JALT (Japan), PacCALL and now is Chair of the Extensive Reading Foundation. He is also the Editor of TESL-EJ, , the first online journal for ELT.

  • Paul Goldberg

    Paul Goldberg has taught English as a foreign language in Venezuela, Spain, Korea, the US, and most recently at Kwansei Gakuin University, in Japan. His main areas of interest are extensive reading and extensive listening. Paul is the founder of Xreading, which he developed because of his desire to make graded readers more accessible for students, and extensive reading programs easier for teachers to manage. Email:

  • Fenty Lidya Siregar

    I am an English teacher from Indonesia. At this moment I am also the chair of Indonesian Extensive Reading Association.

  • Irene Li

    PERC 泛读俱乐部(henceforth the Club) is an industry platform founded by Publink (the Founding Company) and participated in by English teaching institutions and teachers on their free will. The Club’s goal is to establish a communications platform for the extensive reading industry, to promote the industry’s healthy development, and to advance the industry’s international development.