Dax Thomas
Meiji Gakuin University
Dax Thomas has worked as an EFL instructor in Japan for over twenty years. His interests lay in corpus linguistics, vocabulary, and CLIL. He is a graduate of the University of Birmingham MA TESL/TEFL program and is currently an assistant professor in the Centre for Liberal Arts at Meiji Gakuin University.Sessions
Internet & E-media Japanese University Students’ Attitudes Towards Extensive Reading in the Digital Age more
Fri, Aug 13, 19:00-19:20 Asia/Tokyo
With the ubiquitous use of digital devices, it would seem that a technological solution to ER may be just as beneficial as a paper-based approach. Hence, this mixed-methods research project looks at how first-year Japanese EFL university students experienced a yearlong, technologically-assisted extensive reading curriculum in terms of their reading attitudes.