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Class readers University Will be recorded
A Task Based Approach to Creating Effective Reading Circle Activities
This presentation will give the results of the instructor’s experience designing tasks for Reading Circles built on multiple copies of the same set of Graded Readers in a modified ER-based program. The presentation will explore a number of activities including reports that target vocabulary acquisition and integrate online digital tools
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Recording of Presentation
Michael Furmanovsky is a Professor of Cultural Studies at Ryukoku University. He teaches language, culture and movie-based history classes while also being active in the field of Japanese popular culture, presenting regularly at Japan Studies conferences. He has written and presented on a wide variety of practical areas including Reading Circles in Extensive Reading; pragmatics; task-based learning; approaches to teaching global issues and more. He is THT’s Co-Country Coordinator for Vietnam and the Philippines and has been active in volunteer teaching in both countries since 2007.