Sessions / Reading for academic purposes

APERC: Annual Paper-based Extensive Reading Club In China #1547

Thu, Aug 12, 12:30-14:00 Asia/Tokyo | LOCATION: Day 1

In China, test prep programs such as TOEFL and SAT, SSAT are an eternal topic for those students who study English. However, how to balance the intensive and extensive reading and how to assist test prep by guided academic extensive reading are questions need to be answered in reality.

Using Non-Fiction Books to Facilitate L2 English Acquisition, Peer Collaboration, and Content Learning #1568

Sat, Aug 14, 18:20-19:10 Asia/Tokyo | LOCATION: Day 3

This presentation will explain how reading a non-fiction book together as a class can serve as a bridge between Intensive Reading (IR) and Extensive Reading (ER) that facilitates both acquisition and collaboration. The presenter will share strategies for selecting books, managing a reading project, and incorporating language learning activities.

Reading for Beginners #1554

Sun, Aug 15, 15:30-15:50 Asia/Tokyo | LOCATION: Day 4

How to acquaint Educators and Parents on teaching beginners how to read in a fun and easier way.