Sessions / Extensive Listening

Learner Audio Use in a Large Extensive Reading Program #1599

Fri, Aug 13, 11:35-11:55 Asia/Tokyo | LOCATION: Day 2

Learners in a large extensive reading program at a Japanese university using Xreading had access to audio recordings for each book. Presenters will report on why some learners chose to listen and will characterize the methods learners used to do so. Data from surveys and interviews will also be shared.

A Case Study of a Happy Retired Life from Extensive Reading and listening #1606

Sat, Aug 14, 09:50-10:10 Asia/Tokyo | LOCATION: Day 3

The purpose of this study is to investigate what motivates the participants who are in their 50s, 70s, and 80s to continue ER/EL for two to five years. How ER/EL in English stimulates them, and how their lifestyles have changed will be included in the presentation.

ER practice through a Reading Marathon #1582

Mon, Aug 16, 12:00-13:30 Asia/Tokyo | LOCATION: Day 5

This workshop will assist you to find motivation for reading and create enjoyable reading practice through Reading Marathon.